Runway Park
Multilayered approach

The evolving design breaks down into four core areas which provide different spaces along the length of the runway: parkland; homes; open space with wetland and habitat areas; community space; and a multi functional linear park with opportunities for growing, sport and play.
We want your views to help shape the plans. This will help us develop detailed designs we can then come and share with you over the next few months.
We also want to hear ideas of how the community can get involved in the spaces and places coming forward: from species surveys to helping our ecology team and finding out more about nature, to Park Runs and silent discos, to art in the park events. We want your ideas and your energy to help us create an amazing park in this special place.
Runway Park

Runway 12
This section will provide a gateway to Runway Park from the buildings of the Enterprise Campus, with a feature reflecting the central line of the runway, which will be repeated at key points along its historic length. With woodland setting around the gateway, Runway Park will start with a section that reflects the width and feel of Garland Park.
Runway Meadows
Runway Park will then open up into a wider green space, which will include important wetland habitats and water features, which are part of the site wide sustainable water system; with trees and hedges also providing corridors for nature. This space will also provide flexible green space for people to enjoy, with space for formal and informal sports, and a play area.
Runway Active
This part of Runway Park meets with the Education Campus and the Town Centre Hub, so becomes a more urban space. It also marks a meeting point with the new linear park, which will connect with the Heritage Area and homes in Key Phase 3, on one of the old taxiways. Opportunities for growing space and productive landscapes, such as allotments and orchards could be featured here, alongside woodland glades and hedgerows, to continue corridors for nature and people.
Park 30
This area of Runway Park runs through the middle of the Education Campus sports pitches to the south and the new community sports hub to the north. The concept is to retain parts of the runway to reflect the heritage of the site but reimagine it with wetland planting, trees and hedges providing a take off for nature, alongside a unique place for people.